Friday, August 15, 2014

Taking Back Tuesday

i cant believe it has been THIS long since i have blogged.. i know that i had taken some time off but who knew it would fly by so quickly! So much has happened in the months that i have been away. That brings me to discuss something i realized the other day while at the park with my middle monster , Blaine.

It was a gorgeous Tuesday at the park and Blaine was being his adorable , rambunctious self and i thought ,
 " oh i need to get pictures of this for facebook".
There is so much WRONG in that one little thought. Let me break it down for ya..

1.  Why do i need to take a picture of this exact moment? because its cute? or because i want all 756 of my Facebook friends to think its cute with me? Since when did it become the "norm" to bring everyone you know on social media in to your personal daily life? I am irrevocably guilty of this myself but since my epiphany at the park i am trying to rectify it. I cant help but wonder if somewhere inside me there are unresolved acceptance issues. If i get happy over having 50 "likes" on a picture of my kids then maybe i am seeking acceptance from my peers. And that cant be right because i KNOW my kids are awesome.. so why should i subject them to being judged on how cute they are by the number of "likes" their pictures get?
Same concept applies to my family.. why should i feel the need to share my precious moments with them with the world? I shouldn't seek acceptance from anyone when in regards to my children. Yet , i do. And i feel like so many others do too. I think we , parents especially, should break away from the hold social media has on our families. Which brings me to "break it down for ya part 2"

2. I just interrupted this wonderful laughing experience with my son by bringing out my phone to take a picture. I literally stopped laughing at him , told him to do whatever craziness he was doing again so i could take a picture , taking away the spontaneous fun of the act and making it air brushed for social media. I definitely think that some things should be recorded and saved to cherish and reminisce about.

Kindergarten graduation , first dance , first date , prom , graduation , etc..

Blaine hanging by his legs on the monkey bars , or sitting with me by the creek talking about bugs , or holding my hand while we walk , or telling me one of his crazy tales.. is any of that something i need to stop and save on an SD card , or is it something i should forget the rest of the world for and savor for my own selfish delight because these moments wont last for long? I despise the fact that so often in the past i have captured these precious moments that should have been for my heart only and displayed them to the world.

Therefore, i am taking my kids back. I am taking them back from the world of social media and i am reclaiming my memories with them as my own. Instead of taking a picture i will put my phone down and live in the moment with them. Instead of posting about what hilarious thing they said , i will laugh about it with them and try my best to remember to tell my husband when he gets home from work.

Here's to taking my life back.

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