Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Oh, what a week!

What a busy last few days it has been! Work is so time consuming. I would much rather be home with my wild tiny humans and hubby!
We did manage to find time to help daddy in the shop :) 

And to take the client I work for out to get pedicures :) yay for pretty piggies! 

To admire weeds.. Because spring is here! 

I was able to spend some time with my beautiful sister! Who is also my very best friend.. 

And I got to cheer on my lovely t-ball super Star daughter! 

I also got a surprise visit from my littlest offspring at work tonight!! Daddy bought him a new hat :) now if we can just keep up with it... 

.. Speaking of my smallest child.. We started the P word. Yep. Potty training. 
It. Sucks. 
Honestly, I would be great having him in a diaper till he is 4 but society says no. 
And here is why it sucks :
First the kid pees in places I can't see and don't find until I step in a smelly puddle of baby urine. gag. 
Then, Yesterday I had to clean Poop off of my couch. But it doesn't stop there, oh no. He stepped in it, ran across the couch and made me chase him across the house leaving tiny poo footprints all along the way. 

Doesn't he look so proud of himself? 

But it doesn't stop there.. 
I pick up my phone to call my hubby and tell him about my potty training horrors when I get a whiff of poo yet again.. I'm waking around with the phone to my ear looking for the missing turd.. When it dawns on me... 

I look at my phone and sure enough... 
There is poo ALL OVER the place I had against my face. So not only is my entire home covered in tiny human fecal matter. So am I. 

And that, my friends, is when I stopped potty training. 
Judge if you must but first take a walk in my poop covered shoes and you'll understand 
Potty training is for the birds. Bring on the Huggies! 

I'm still not sure how we survived the P word with this one. He probably made it out alive because of that smile :) 

I do love to end my day with a beautiful Picture painted for me by the Creator. 
He is my strength when I am weak. 
God , help me survive my children.. Amen. 
:) thanks for stopping by! Do come back and see me. Be blessed.. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

He Is More

I figured I would start with some serious cuteness.. 

It's been a few days since we have talked,  how have you all been? 
Life can get so busy! I've had my fair share recently. 

I think today we are going to have less mom talk and more God talk though. I will become less and He will become more, right? Right. 

My church is amazing. And by church I mean the body of people who gather to be the hands and feet of Christ. 

That was just a lone thought... 
Anyway, I am trying now to really make myself less. And make the world less. And make God more. 
That. Is. So. Hard. 
Think about it. Your kids. Your husband. Your job. Your self? 
These are things we all put first in our lives. 
Can you imagine loving God more than you love your kids? It's easy to say. But to actually Do it? 
It's taboo. 

I try and put my kids first in everything... And I shouldn't. 
That's really hard! I mean.. I gave birth to these three wild children. But in reality.. They aren't mine. They belong to God. It's just my job to raise them to live like Jesus. 
No pressure. Ha. 
My hope is that if I can make myself, my family, and this world less and God more, that my children will follow that example. 
It's overwhelming how our offspring look up to us. Ever watchful little monsters they are. 
I was blessed this week. I had such a hard burden on my heart and God kept telling me to let it go. It was so impossibly hard. But.. I did. I gave it to God. 
And IMMEDIATELY I felt free. I felt this weight lift off of me and Jesus fill me up. I've never experienced anything like it! 

How great is our God? 

Be blessed my friends. God loves you! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bread Sticks & Chocolate Donuts

Why bread sticks and chocolate donuts you may ask?  Because that's exactly what I had for dinner tonight. As a mom, sometimes you just have to eat when you can (like they tell you to sleep when you can with a new born. Ha.) . And people wonder why women put on weight after having kids. That'll do it!
               Now.... On to tantrums.
    Mister too big for his britches here has gotten a head start on the terrible twos. What a pleasant bundle of joy he has been lately.
   He recently started daycare though.. So of course I will be more apt to blame it on other misbehaved and ill parented children. What mom wouldn't?

                                                                                        We did get to stop by my mother-in-love's house this afternoon and play in her big beautiful garden.
What fun that was!! 
Alyssa had a fall and crash episode while running through the shop.. 
So she opted to color on the porch swing instead 

I swear, Carter never sits still though.. Here are some shots of his adventure at the Garden.. 

Poor Gramma Lea, chasing after Carter.. It was too cute to not take a picture! 
My husband and i LOVE to bass fish, so I got to run to the local marina for some lures and such so he could have a night out on the river. Aren't I the best?..... I know.  :) 
Someone found a rolley polley. You remember those? Little grey bugs that roll up and turn into an armored ball when you touched them? Fun times..   Miss priss decided to grab her camera and get a quick photo of the little guy. She's an art loving angel. 

Isn't this beautiful? Prettiest weeds around. I'm so happy spring is finally here! We are supposed to get the first round of tornado-ish weather tomorrow so it's safe to say it's spring time in Arkansas. 

Well, I hope you had a blessed day. As always, thanks for stopping by. Come back and see me! 
God loves 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Time and Blessings

Have you ever thought to yourself, " if there were only ten more hours in the day I would..."  *insert one of the many things being a full time mom denies you *  I am pretty sure we all have.. 
We just need a few blissful hours to ourselves to renew our frazzled brains. Ha. Not when you share a life with adorable tiny humans that require your undivided time and attention. 

Today I found myself busy as usual, running errands and squeezing what should be two days worth of work into two hours time. I have made it a personal goal of mine to count my blessings as my day progresses. Here is what I found that I was thankful for while doing my momly duties : 

I am thankful for a QUIET and UNINTERRUPTED breakfast at a swanky little coffee shop in town where I read a whole chapter in the kick awesome book series I am reading.. 
For local art and talent being displayed.. For reminders of God's peace.. 
    And his unfailing forgiveness.. 

For my hard working hubs and being able to pay him a visit at work at lunch time 
Thankful for my FAVORITE shorts and a sandals and for warmer weather!! 
And finally. . I am thankful for my quiet time with God.. And the words he speaks to me. 

... Even in the busiest times of your day you can count your blessings! It made my 52 hour day amazing. 
So when you are about to pull your your hair out, be thankful that you have hair. 
When you are changing that poop filled diaper for the 25th time that day, be thankful that your child is healthy. 
Even reading this post now, be thankful that you can read. That you have electricity. That you have life. God gave it all to you.. Isn't it only fair that we give all we have back to him? 
I vote, YES!  
You may not think you can change the world because your life is so crazy. So busy. So FULL. 
Just praise God. Live it out. Raise your children to love Him and believe me, that changes everything... 
That's it for today! Thanks for stopping by, it's always a pleasure. Come back and see me!  
God loves